Fitness tips, Nutrition/Live Healthy ,Recipes, Amazing facts, and recreational poems.

Sunday, 20 July 2014


STARS                                                                                                   Beatrice O. Sargin
As pretty as the moon,
As beautiful as the flower in blossom;
Are they stars that lighten up the skies.
As each glorious day fades away;
5              Stars begin to luminescence,
Above there up in the skies,
Twinkling bright!
Oh! Why do I feel like am soaring in the air;
Like a bird who has lost her nest?
10           Oh! It is the stars on the lovely clouds...
Oh! I love those stars above the skies...
Oh! That they knew my love they were.
The brightness of her robe would shame the moon;
Who is jealous of her sparkling radiance;
15           Glittering up in the skies,
Oh! Look at her twinkling so beautifully up in the skies,
Oh! That I were a cloud that I can give her a kiss,
She is the suns of the night,
She’s gentle,
20           She’s beautiful, selfless and loving at all times;
She’s so tender, compassionate;
Simple, humble, benevolence and holy with enough energy
To drown the sorrows of anyone on a cloud;
Who looks compassionately into a cloud at her
25           She gives excitement to young ones
And to the old who glimpse at her with delight,
So awesome as she is, never tired of twinkling bright up there in the skies,
She’s a pearl given to us all by mother earth.
As beautiful as she is in nature;
30           She’s a STAR...


Christ our lord speaks to us alphabetically in this manner:                          Beatrice O. Sargin
You call me ALFA, and you recognize me not;
You call me BROTHER, and you share with me not;
You call me CURE, and you recommend me not;
You call me DEAR, and you value me not;
You call me ETERNAL, and you seek me not;
You call me FAIR, and you love me not;
You call me GRACIOUS, and you trust me not;
You call me HERO, and you remember me not;
You call me IMMACULATE, and you imitate me not;
You call me JUST, and you fear me not;
You call me KABBALAH, and you understand me not;
You call me KIND, and you visit me not;
You call me LIFE, and you desire me not;
You call me LIGHT, and you see me not;
You call me MASTER, and you obey me not;
You call me MIGHTY, and you honor me not;
You call me NOBLE, and you serve me not;
You call me OMEGA, and you sort me not;
You call me PRIEST AND PROPHET, and you pay attention to me not;
You call me QUADRAGESIMA, and you observe me not;
You call me RICH, and you ask from me not;
You call me SUPERIOR, and you respect me not;
You call me TEACHER, and you heed me not;
You call me UNIVERSAL, and you notice me not;
You call me VALUABLE, and you treasure me not;
You call me WAY, and you walk me not;
You call me WISE, and you follow me not;
You call me XANADUS, and you cherish me not;
You call me YAHWEH, and you reverence me not;
You call me ZEPHYR, and you appreciate me not;
After all these things you are doing to me you say you “love me” but “your attitude” hurts and breaks my heart for it shows that “you love me not”. Whereas you are a PRICELESS TREASURE to me whom “I love so much” and won’t hurt you like you are doing to my wounded heart!


DON’T FRET                                                                        Beatrice O. Sargin

Tic tac, tic tac, the clock ticks
Every second, every minute, every hour, everyday
But one very magnanimous day,
One cold and lonely night at about 12:35am,
5             Comes a rushing sound like the wind;
But, was not the wind;
The trees begun to shiver,
The earth began to tremble,
All halted! There was a complete silence all of a sudden;
10           All of the lights went off,
There was total darkness,
All technologies seemed to have faltered,
                I heard footsteps coming from the back of my window,
I hurriedly reached out for my phone but it just won’t switch on.
15           I reached out for my torch light but it turns out to be dead…
The steps were coming closer,
Then, I heard a rattling sound,
My body begun to shiver,
I tried to scream but to my greatest shock,
20           I couldn’t even hear myself.
O my! What’s happening?
I gently rolled from my bed to the floor,
Immediately, there was a sudden flash of light in my room;
My bed began to shake,
25           In utter darkness, my body began to shiver,
I sweated like I was in the shower with my clothes on,
On the floor I was, in complete darkness,
The windows and the doors began to clap consistently,
I tried reaching for my bible but couldn’t find it,
30           The footsteps came closer and stopped!
I felt a sharp cold shivered down my spine,
Still shaking I was,
I tried to go back to my bed to pretend like I heard nothing from the start,
Surprisingly my legs were stiffed,
35           From within, there was a voice calling out,
From within, my heart was saying;
” thou who fears something gives it power over it”
Still trying to move my sweaty body,
A cold sound dashed through my ears with a sharp sound ‘saying’ don’t fret!
40           I still just couldn’t believe what was happening,
I tried to lie down on the floor,
But there was this smell of blood and everywhere was as cold as ice,
Then I said to myself with my eyes closed,
I have seen, heard and perceived the worst of this earth!
45           And am not going to be afraid anymore!
My best days are yet to come!
O! My soul “don’t fret!” in the days of adversity!
Don’t fret when you can’t find your shadows!
Don’t fret when you can’t feel your feet!
50           Don’t fret when the earth is trembling!
Don’t fret when the world is against you!
Don’t fret, don’t fret and fret no more
There was complete silence….
I felt warmth in my heart,
55           Though my eyes were still shut;
I saw the brightest smile ever,
I perceived the loveliest fragrance ever,
I felt a warm embrace,
There was so much energy in me from within,
60           Much more than enough to hold anyone on a cloud,
There was light all of a sudden,
I discovered I was no longer stiff as I rose to pick up my phone and my torch light.
To my surprise;
The phone was never switched off and neither was the torch dead,
65           I was surprised, the time was 12:38am,
O my goodness!
I screamed and I heard my voice;
Everything seemed to be back to normal,
Except; for the fragrance that was left to remind me of a remarkable event.
70           I looked out through my window;
I saw the moon smiling down at me…
I realized that I had just broken out of my shell;
I went back to bed…
Each time my heart feels troubled,
75           The fragrance reminds me of how daring I could be if I want to;
If I could just don’t fret!
Through every stormy shadows,
When the wind starts to blow;
Something whisper from afar,
80           There’s a home, another heaven in my heart, fret not!